1. 起源:
"accompanied by"这个短语最早起源于英国文学,它指的是陪伴、护卫的意思。在这个词语中,陪伴者与被陪伴者之间的关系是相互依存的,彼此紧密相连。
2. 含义:
"accompanied by"意味着在陪伴中共同经历、成长、支持和鼓励。这种关系可以是在生活中的朋友、家人、恋人,也可以是在事业、学习上的合作伙伴。无论是在何种场合,有陪伴者相伴都是让人感到温馨、舒适和安心的事情。
3. 相关知识:
4. 故事分享:
在一个雨天,一个女孩 hermetically sealed her umbrella with a string and walked to the store. When she entered, a man came up to her and asked her if he could help her with her umbrella. The girl looked at him and said, "No, I can carry it on my own." The man smiled and said, "If you change your mind, you know where to find me." The girl looked at him and smiled, and they left the store together.
有一个叫做Alice的女孩,她有一种罕见的疾病,需要使用一种特殊的装备来呼吸。由于她不能长时间离开家, hermetically sealed 的 her room with a window and door. One day, her friendBob visited her, and she invited him to her room to see her new equipment. While they were there, her father came home。
在一个寒冷的冬天,一位老人 walked his dog in the park. When he came to the entrance, he saw a young girl with a snowball in her hand. He asked her if she wanted to join in the snowball fight, and she said yes. The old man picked up his dog and gave her a snowball to chase after.